i think we are forgetting. that jesus first returned in 1874 with that false prophecy that the world would end in 1872,3,4,6,78 etc. we all know the wt was still teaching 1874 as the return of jesus as late as 1943. we have to keep in perspective everything the wt today teaches about 1914 is all based on lies from 1874 and earlier. i always remind jw's about 1874 any time they talk about 1914. i make sure i never lose an arguement with jw's.
johnny cip
JoinedPosts by johnny cip
by DannyHaszard inmark this!in 2007 watchtower still say's 1914 jesus second coming who are the jehovahs witnesses?regular people and not part of a cult.
people who want others to know about god and the bible.
believers that these are the last days before armageddon and that it is urgent for people to develop a relationship with god.
Excited to Attend D. C. Next Weekend
by Cold Creek Swimmer ingood morning friends,.
i just wanted to share with all of you the joy i am experiencing knowing that i will be attending the long awaited d.c, next week.
what a wonderful experience it will be to be able to sit with all of the loving and faithul delegates at this convention.
johnny cip
aqnyone that calls sitting for 3 days eating wt manure a spritual feast. needs a brain scan but thats freedom of religion to believe any crap force fed to you. some people like to eat poison. kind of like a crack attic. can't wait for more junk that makes them feel good.
JW Fired for Refusing to Sing Happy Birthday
by Kenneson inin mesquite, texas, sabrina ballantine says she was fired from razzoo's for refusing to sing happy birthday.
she is a jw, who does not believe in celebrating birthdays and singing this song.. "razzoo's settles lawsuit over religious firing.".
johnny cip
hi ROCKY220; Nice to see your still around. hoping your well, your one no nonsense lady. i'm glad i stirred the pot of wt crap on this simple issue. we all know 1000's of stories about how jw's wreck childrens school lives on something so simple as singing happy birthday and eating a cupcake in class. making that kid sit in the principals office crying/ becoming an outcast. just because mommy told the teacher my brainwashed conscience, will not allow my child to be normal. i get the feeling that this jw waitress' mind is so screwed up, that she sued for all the hurt the wts put on her for no birthdays and now is making someone else pay for her pain. if i was the judge i would send this jw to a one year course on respecting others, as part of the court order. it's to bad i don't know any judges and could help them on wts propaganda. john
JW Fired for Refusing to Sing Happy Birthday
by Kenneson inin mesquite, texas, sabrina ballantine says she was fired from razzoo's for refusing to sing happy birthday.
she is a jw, who does not believe in celebrating birthdays and singing this song.. "razzoo's settles lawsuit over religious firing.".
johnny cip
i'll apologise for calling fellow posters wt butt kissers. i stick with my idea that the UNITED STATES should have finished off the wts in 1917. as was done to many groups based on the 1798 sedition act and the 1917 esponage act. freedom of speech and religion was not what it is today. i wish some here will look up these acts and how they were enforced during WW1 . rutherFRAUD and the wts got off easy. i'm not truely happy that jw woman died giving child birth, but the fact is she killed herself with help from the tower. she had her choice to live and refused it. i think the leaders of the wts should be brought up on MURDER CHARGES for what they teach. i scream yell and curse the wt and jw's because , there is NO COMMON SENSE in their anti social stances. jw's have a rotten way of imposing thier beliefs on others to the point they hurt anyone around them, either being at work, family, friends,strangers etc. and some here want to call it freedom of religion? i see it as jw's going around pursecuting the general population to conform to thier anti social behavior. and will go to any political measures (courts) to get the right to pursecute the general public some more. just look at the sixtuplets case in canada. the wt will not stop trying to say these babies should have had the right to die , in appeal after appeal wasting tax payers $$$$ tying up the courts . if i was the judge i would put shane brady and the whole wt bethel in contempt of court . and give them the ELECTRIC CHAIR. in bible times jw's and wt leaders would be stoned to death. and all anyone here has to do understand this is to read some of the 10000's of hate crimes committed by jw's to the posters here right on JWD. john
JW Fired for Refusing to Sing Happy Birthday
by Kenneson inin mesquite, texas, sabrina ballantine says she was fired from razzoo's for refusing to sing happy birthday.
she is a jw, who does not believe in celebrating birthdays and singing this song.. "razzoo's settles lawsuit over religious firing.".
johnny cip
I hate to type. but i will and my back is out so i'll be home for days. anyone who wants to say this jw's is right sueing the rest. etc. i will do my best to OPEN THEIR EYES. i FACT this may a great time to give some here a lesson. on running a restaurant and keeping your tables full. come to think of it i never seen a jw owned rest. or any rest. were birthdays were banned. lol the defense of this jw waiter` is comical. john
JW Fired for Refusing to Sing Happy Birthday
by Kenneson inin mesquite, texas, sabrina ballantine says she was fired from razzoo's for refusing to sing happy birthday.
she is a jw, who does not believe in celebrating birthdays and singing this song.. "razzoo's settles lawsuit over religious firing.".
johnny cip
warlock your an other wt crybaby. businesses don't need to keep employess that don't give their costumers what they want. and if i take out my kid to a restaurant for his BIRTHDAY. I make believe i'm going to the bathroom, and run up to my waiter and ask him to bring out a PIECE OF BIRTHDAY CAKE, YES WITH AS CANDLE. and expect for my waiter to SUPRISE MY KID WITH THAT PIECE OF CAKE AND SING HAPPY BIRTHDAY. many poorer people like me can't afford to go to rest. at every turn , and you know dam sure when i save up to take one of my loved ones out on their BIRTHDAY. I EXPECT THAT WAITER TO COME OUT WITH THAT SLICE OF CAKE. AND SING. if i ever went to a rest. that my waiter pulled that jw shit . not only would i not tip. but i would be in the managers ear. tell everyone i know not to go to that rest. and never go there again etc. now come back and tell me how that jw is a good employee. and helps the business? give her a job washing toilets and dishes and no one will ever know she is there. in fact every time i go to a rest. it's always someones birthday . and even though they may be sitting on the other side of the rest. and i never known them . when i here HAPPY BIRTHDAY. i allways sing along. reason being someone was nice enough to take that birthday person out on their day. i worked in rest's for years weather it's a $10 pizza birthday or a $200 meal. jw's haVE no right to destroy PAYING PATRONS good time. to many crybabies on this board. most people take their loved ones to their favorite rest. especially for thier birthday. i don't know what else to say. I guess many here don't know nothing about the rest. business. john
JW Fired for Refusing to Sing Happy Birthday
by Kenneson inin mesquite, texas, sabrina ballantine says she was fired from razzoo's for refusing to sing happy birthday.
she is a jw, who does not believe in celebrating birthdays and singing this song.. "razzoo's settles lawsuit over religious firing.".
johnny cip
jw's should be banned from not only being waiters. but be banned from working in the u.s. anony-mouse. and from any federal benefits. since they hate the gov't so much. hitler was to soft on the jw's if you ask me. i don't go for any of this cry baby stuff for jw's. they want to be anti social. treat them like terrorist that they are. and i have no quarms about saying how i feel. if i had the power i would sent every wt ass kissing jws off to NORTH KOREA next week. and be finished with the whole lot of these dopes. screw jw civil rights. it's a one way street with them. i was happy when i read the other thread about some stupid jw dying from child birth , b/c of blood. now she will never help someone else die in her preaching work. get my point. i wish all jw's would cut their finger cutting sunday dinner. and then go to the hospital and refuse a transfusion and die. then turn the wt bethels into schools for needy want-a-be productive people . in need of a helping hand. the wt is a desease on the population.
JW Fired for Refusing to Sing Happy Birthday
by Kenneson inin mesquite, texas, sabrina ballantine says she was fired from razzoo's for refusing to sing happy birthday.
she is a jw, who does not believe in celebrating birthdays and singing this song.. "razzoo's settles lawsuit over religious firing.".
johnny cip
i bet the jw girl did more than not sing happy birthday. and even jw's know waitstaff in most any rest. come out to sing happy birthday . why would a jw take a waiters job , since she can't sing. her christian conscience /training should have told her not to even apply for such a job. and the judge that gave her $$$ is even more stupid or the co. that agreed to pay her off. if i owned the rest. i would not have given her a dime.
johnny cip
Hi; Mrs. Jones, your one fine lady john
GB vote on the blood ban.....when? Where was it reported?
by Gill incould someone please help me with a little information please.. who was it who revealled that the governing body had voted on removing the blood transfusion ban but had not received a two thirds majority?.
i know franz talks about them needing the two thirds maj. to make doctrine but when did they vote on blood ban?.
johnny cip
there was a 1949 wt article that said blood transfusions is a great thing. to save lives someone may want to look it up.